Share your sightings,
ideas and have calm discussions about
Bollywood Illuminati Symbolism,
movies, item numbers,
Bollywood Stars and their appearances.
Remember to be civil and don't abuse others.
Everyone is welcome to post,
no matter what age, sex or religion.
FAIR USE: The videos on this this website show a very limited amount of copyrighted material for NON-PROFIT, EDUCATIONAL use, COMMENTARY/PARODY, TEACHING and as tool to help RESEARCH Symbolism in the Indian Media and Entertainment Industry.
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As the Supreme Court has pointed out (in its 2003 Eldred decision), fair use helps to keep copyright from violating the First Amendment - aka FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
FAIR USE is covered under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. §
FAIR USE: The videos on this this website show a very limited amount of copyrighted material for NON-PROFIT, EDUCATIONAL use, COMMENTARY/PARODY, TEACHING and as tool to help RESEARCH Symbolism in the Indian Media and Entertainment Industry.
NO PROFIT is, has been, or will be made from my videos posted on video
sharing websites or my personal website.
As the Supreme Court has pointed out (in its 2003 Eldred decision), fair use helps to keep copyright from violating the First Amendment - aka FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
FAIR USE is covered under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. §